Borich, M., Makan, N., Boyd, L., Virji-Babul (2013). Combining whole brain voxelwise analysis with in vivo tractography of diffusion behaviour following sports related concussion in adolescents: A preliminary report. J Neurotrauma. Feb 13 (Epub ahead of print)
Virji-Babul, N., Borich, M., Makan, N., Moore, TD., Frew, K., Emery, C., Boyd, L. (2013) Diffusion tensor imaging of sport related concussion in adolescents: Pediatric Neurology 48: 24-29
Virji-Babul, N., Moiseev, A., Sun, W., Feng, T., Moiseeva, N., Watt, K. (2013) Neural correlates of music recognition in Down syndrome. Brain and Cognition 81: 256-262
Virji-Babul N, Moiseev A, Sun W, Fesharaki A, Beg F, Ribary U. (2012). Dynamics of oscillatory changes associated with the perception of human motion. Neuroreport. 12;23(13):793-8.
Ismail, S., Sun, W., Nathoo, F.S., Babul, A., Moiseev, A., Beg,M.F., Virji-Babul, N. (2012). A Skew-t Space-Varying Regression Model for the Spectral Analysis of Resting State Brain Activity. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. May 20. [Epub ahead of print]
Virji-Babul, N., Rose, A., Moiseeva, N., Makan, N. (2012) Neural correlates of action understanding in infants: influence of motor experience. Brain and Behavior. 2(3):237-42.
Virji-Babul, N., Watt, K., Nathoo, F., Johnson, P. (2012). Recognition of facial expressions of emotion in adults with Down syndrome. Phys Occup Ther Pediatr. Aug;32(3):333-43
Virji-Babul, N. Moiseev, A, Moiseeva, N, Sun, W, Ribary, U., Lott, I. (May 2011). Altered brain dynamics in Down syndrome during voluntary movement. NeuroReport. 22 (7) 358–364
Watt K, Johnson P and Virji-Babul, N. ( Nov, 2010) The perception of friendship in adults with Down syndrome. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 54, 1015-1023
Virji-Babul, N., Moiseev, A., Cheung, T., Weeks, D.J., Cheyne, D., Ribary, U. (2010). Neural mechanisms underlying action observation in adults with Down syndrome. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. 115, 113-127
Virji-Babul, N., Moiseev, A., Cheung, T., Weeks, D., Cheyne, D., Ribary, U. (2010). Spatial- temporal dynamics of cortical activity underlying reaching and grasping: Implications for understanding the mirror neuron system. Human Brain Mapping. 31, 1: 160-171.
Beg, MF., Wong, S., Khan, AR., Cheung, T., Virji-Babul, N. Herdman, A. (2009). External Landmark and Head Shape based Functional Data Normalization. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics. 33, Issue 7: 501-509
Virji-Babul N and Weeks, D. (2009) Perception, Action, Cognition: New Perspectives on Down syndrome. International Review of Research on Mental Retardation. Vol 38: 147-170.
Galli, M., Rigoldi, C., Brunner, R.,Virji-Babul, N. Albertini, G. (2008) Joint stiffness and gait pattern evaluation in children with Down syndrome. Gait Posture. Oct; 28(3):502-6.
Virji-Babul, N. Moiseev, A., Cheung, T., Weeks, D., Cheyne, D., Ribary, U. (2008) Changes in mu rhythm during action observation and execution in adults with Down syndrome: Implications for action representation, Neurosci. Lett. 436(2):177-80.
Dalton, R., Virji-Babul, N. (2008). Expressions of Cultural Identity in the Drawings of Ismaili Muslim Children in Canada. Journal of Cultural Research in Art Education
See publications by Naznin Virji-Babul on PubMed